
Overcome the feeling of failure of your job loss and transform it into a providential career development opportunity.

Our Approach

Our Approach

Overcome the feeling of failure of your job loss and transform it into a providential career development opportunity.

Addressing the repositioning in a career can sometimes be a sensitive transition. Faced with such a situation, we are committed to help you meet this challenge with confidence.

Our undertaking is totally individualized in order to provide you with an external and neutral support, structured and competent, tailored to your needs, your desires and your aspirations.

Our expertise and experience are at your disposal to place you in a positive and competitive situation in your new environment. And we propose a complete platform of accompaniment services for a career transition, preparation for retirement or for independence.

So welcome to your first interview, without obligation.

Resource mobilisation

Emotional Health

Our assistance is multifaceted and covers both the professional and the personal sector.

We strive to (re)develop you in your life environment. We use reliable and recognized tools (Belbin, John Holland’s multiple intelligences approach, EMDR, the 360°, etc.).

Together, we examine your breaks and blockages, all while showcasing your hidden talents in order to create a positive transition dynamic.

We develop a contract to commit you to a concrete goal in a set amount of time, with a set goal to reach. At the end of your program, you can measure and quantify your results with an in-depth satisfaction questionnaire.

Physical Health

All sports activities that we offer are supervised by a personal trainer.

Analysis of your needs

Your Needs

We are all unique, yet we share a common denominator, which is to ensure future income.  We are committed to welcoming you as you are: your fears, your hopes and your expectations, but without a single academic, financial, and/or hierarchical prerequisite. Come as you are, in order to discover your values and construct your objectives with us.

Most likely you have many questions about your professional outlook.  How to present yourself and increase your standing, work in groups, land a new job, become independent, and plan for retirement?

When we take on a candidate, everything begins with a detailed analysis of their situation.  Together we define your needs in terms of your aspirations, your skills, and your environment.  In fact, a well-defined problem is a substantial time saving. This precious time is yours.  We want to ensure that you make the most of it.

Your potential

Then we perform an in-depth inquiry to quickly single out your usable skills as well as your hidden talents.

To ensure the success of our assistance, we even provide emotional and/or physical support if needed.

Measurable objectives are defined together.  They are regularly monitored.

On this basis, you will have the option of fully or partially joining one or several of our four departments.

Making your projects real

Making your projects real

You are probably asking yourself lots of questions about your professional future:

  • How do I get a job, become independent or prepare for my retirement?
  • What do I want to present and highlight of my experience and personality? How do you work as a team? What are my deepest motivations to face the challenges of change?
    Every case starts out with a detailed analysis of your situation.

This way, we can define your needs together depending on your aspirations, your skills and your personal environment.

Then, we will undertake specialized work to quickly identify your individual skills and talents.

For this, we offer reliable, recognized tools:

BelbinJohn L. HollandCohérence cardiaquePNLEMDRLe 360°, etc.

And discover together where your sticking points are, while highlighting your talents in order to create a positive dynamic of transition.

Our support is also transversal in that it covers both the professional and personal domains, thereby offering you the same opportunity to take part in one or several of our four areas, either completely or partially, or even benefit from a sports training adapted to your needs with one of our certified partners.

Finally, you’ll have the possibility to measure and quantify your results and our services as soon as you finish your personalized program through our satisfaction questionnaire (ISO 9001:2015 compliant).

Discover our program

Discover our program


By way of introduction, SB Transition SA is, according to the VERITAS office, the online outplacement company in Switzerland with the ISO 9001: 2015. The reason for choosing this approach is to fully meet the expectations of our candidates in a structured way and in full transparency.

All of our coaching is one-on-one and individualized, because our concept is designed to focus on you. There is no group coaching and the “open-spaces” able to accommodate a mass of candidates are not part of our company culture. However, offices are available when needed, whether to prepare for interviews, meet people in town, wait, or set yourself a frame of work in a friendly office atmosphere. The continuing training activities meet precise criteria and area always taken along with the coaching.

Each candidate has his or her own needs. Together we define, during our first meeting, your personal ambitions, on which we will focus our attention. You will share things on our commitment charter and will be fully informed regarding the exact content of your personal program.

At the end, a detailed satisfaction questionnaire will be given to you. Your feedback will help us to continually improve our programs.


In each career transition, emotions are present. They can be expressions of relief, denial, anger, fear, and perhaps depression. In order to respect these sensibilities, specialized coaches are available for you.

Our coaches are internationally certified. They are here to help and, with their tools, will help you welcome your emotions in order to find inner peace, which is essential when you present yourself for your next job interview.


The economic environment

If you are looking to reposition yourself in another business, you might need to know in more detail the various economic sectors in Switzerland.

Our partners are available to help you analyse the environment and support you in this journey through their networks and their high level abilities.



We have analysed many tests available on the market. SB Transition SA has divided the main approaches into four categories. For each of them, we offer an internationally recognized test which is used by a large number of enterprises.

  • The approach that you have to yourself: the TRICAM allows you to analyse yourself using the 6 traits of your personality.
  • The regard that others have of you: 360°, an effective way of getting feedback from your friends and colleagues.
  • Your team interactions: the Belbin test – “no one is perfect, but a team can be.”
  • Finally, this entire approach allows us to better define you and to better prepare you for a possible hiring assessment.


Strategic positioning

A problem well stated is a problem half solved. According to this saying, we develop your executive summary, which will allow you to introduce yourself in one minute and explain your situation without hesitation and without ambiguity.

Our tool on the maximum effective zone has the particularity that it allows us to analyse your expectations together to prepare a document accurately summarizing your negotiations with your future employer.


The Resume

If you submit your resume to 10 human resources specialists, you will have 10 different opinions. The important thing is for it to objectively reflect your personality, whether it attracts the eye of a recruiter, whether it is consistent, true, and sincere.

In fact, when you apply for a job, the recruiter will try to discover all of your facets (positive and negative). If your resume does not positively reflect you, if it includes fully standardized statements, you probably have not reached your interlocutor.

Our goal is to develop and showcase you in a relevant way through the 5 components of a resume, which are:

Knowledge: What have you learned and how is it useful to you?
Experience: What were your duties and what did you bring to them?
Abilities: Which added-value can you bring?
The soft skills: Beyond action, there is also the individual.
Social activities: What is your potential outside the company?


The motivation letter

Although internet has largely taken over mail communications, you will often be asked to draft a first introduction. Our approach involves not only the classical motivation letter, but also the management of your e-mails, which reveals you with equal clarity.

After having worked on a “sincere marketing” text via a letter and e-mail, we will advise you throughout your transition on your style, your spelling, as well as your proofreading through individual proofreading and corrections.


The job interview

How should you present yourself while managing your stress and bringing an attractive message? Through our highly performing tools, we will teach you to talk about yourself positively, to answer complex questions, to negotiate your salary and hiring conditions.

Our data library contains movies played by actors who will show you the mistakes to avoid and find your “positive attitude.” Let yourself be carried away by our team of recruitment professionals and learn to face this ever difficult step.


The independence analysis

Want, hesitate, or have no choice but to become independent.

SB Transition SA offers you a comprehensive and detailed analysis of your current situation and your potential for independence.
We first go through in detail the definition of entrepreneurship. Then, you proceed to a self-evaluation with our tests, which are the result of a doctoral work involving more than 50,000 entrepreneurs.  Once this step is validated, we address together the pitfalls to avoid when embarking on an entrepreneurial project. In this context, we also go through all aspects of the creation, the succession, or the take-over of companies.

Finally, you might not have any concrete ideas. This happens often. Our “From Dream to Reality” tool is perfect to help you open your eyes to a realistic project of which you may not have thought, but for which you have the necessary skills to embark on.



Networking is the only part of the program that cannot be broken down individually. This is why we have developed small group training (between 6 and 10 people). In a room filled with mutual trust, you will test your ability to network and learn how to develop your circle of relationships. We want to reassure you from the outset, even if you feel like you’re not well connected, we can assure you that after this intense class, your network will grow quickly and sustainably.

Welcome, and explore how to promote your image without disturbing your contacts!



A library is available to you with a repository of books dealing with career transition topics, new jobs, management, leadership, etc.

Find all the information in our brochure

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